Centre de Découverte du Moyen Âge

The Center for the Discovery of the Middle Ages (CDMA) opens the doors to a forgotten world, the reality of the medieval world: domestic and monastic life, dynastic struggles and deadly rivalries, development of trade and technical innovations (in the fields of architecture, craftsmanship, armaments...), a harsh daily life for all classes of society, and in the end a world that laid the true foundations of our 21st century society.
The visit is an educational journey through history, art and techniques. Scenography and museography allow an interactive approach to daily life, sacred art, etc. The discourse and the course are adapted to all the public, a very particular attention is given to the visitors coming in family.
    • Tuesday from 10h00 at 12h00 - from 14h00 at 18h00
    • Wednesday from 10h00 at 12h00 - from 14h00 at 18h00
    • Thursday from 10h00 at 12h00 - from 14h00 at 18h00
    • Friday from 10h00 at 12h00 - from 14h00 at 18h00
    • Saturday from 10h00 at 12h00 - from 14h00 at 18h00
Prices Min. Max.
Basic price - full adult price 3.5 € -
Discounted rate 2 € -
Group price 3 € -
Group price 1.5 € -
Accommodation and activities nearby
See all the Pour les 6 - 12 ans