Arboretum Al Gaulhia

The landscaped park, classified as an "ensemble arboré remarquable" in 2014 and a "jardin remarquable" in 2017, extends over an area of almost 10 hectares, and is a showcase for biodiversity. A mosaic of environments (peat bog, lake, drylands and wetlands) offers a wide diversity of flora and fauna. You'll discover a stand of chestnut trees awarded the "Arbre Remarquable de France" label, 80 species of bamboo, over 900 varieties of trees and shrubs, some of which are on the verge of extinction, numerous grasses, ferns, aquatic plants, water lilies and, above all, lotuses rising up to 2 m above the water.

Various exhibits are available to visitors, and educational panels on the theme of tree knowledge and biodiversity, aimed primarily at children, are set up along the way.
  • from 01 June 2024 to 30 September 2024
Ouvert du 1er juin au 30 septembre tous les jours en visite libre. Visites guidées sur rendez-vous à partir de 10 personnes (ou sur demande particulière) .
Du 1er octobre au 31 mai : visite possible sur rendez vous
Prices Min. Max.
Basic price - full adult price 5 € 7 €
Basic price - full adult price 0 € -
Pets accepted
Accommodation and activities nearby
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