
"Annonce d'un particulier"
Beautiful house with dominant view of the causse plateau, between Corrèze and Lot. Surrounded by vineyards, this tastefully restored, modern house is sure to delight even the most discerning. The peaceful setting will enchant you, whether in the pool or on the terrace. You can enjoy 51 km of hiking trails directly from Belleviste, called "vignes et verger" and divided into 7 circuits.
Capacitemaximum 10
Number of rooms 4
Surface 120
Prices Min. Max.
Week low season 848 € -
Week medium season 1061 € -
Week high season 1414 € -
Week very high season 1414 € -
Weekend low season 424 € -
Weekend medium season 530 € -
31 route de Mirande
le Pilou
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